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dirty epic

the imezi duo!

「dirty epic」
today’s ride was another SDA
self discovery adventure
the usual weekend off road ride
135km, 3500m climbing
the weather forecast promised cloudy weather
but it rained from start to finish
so glad I brought a gillette and arm warmers
as usual joined by captain noguchi
we enjoy the first gravel rindo
on the descent
the gravel turns to concrete with patches of moss
「be careful」I urge him
and remind myself too
I’m going as slow as possible
but the rear tyre is slipping out on the first curve
on the second curve I have to decide whether to course out
or try to save it
I try to save it
and slip out onto my right
not a big crash
but the damage is more on rough roads
the ride has only just started
find a hose
clean the damage to the arm and leg
the arm looks like stitches will be necessary
for the time being we can try to cover it up
find the nearest house
old lady mrs. maruyama gives us some cling film
wrap up the arm and leg
luckily the damaged area can be covered by shorts and arm warmers
ride on!
glad of a climb to warm us up
rolling gravel is no problem
but really cautious on the descents
constant braking is wearing down the pads
new only last week
we stop several times to tighten up the brakes
raining all the way
several climbs
several descents
the beautiful panorama of mt. ogami dake
covered in dense mist
adjust the brakes again
there’s not much pad left
the last gravel of the day
the rocky komura rindo
noguchi san is fast over the climb
I follow him over the top
both brakes are dead
I go hurtling past noguchi san
he’s never seen that before
on a collision course
the speed gets faster
the rocks get bigger
no lines to follow
I course out on a curve
through the trees
the rocks are bigger here
rip a hole in the new rear tyre
but no means to stop
shit this is scary
somehow make it to the bottom of the rindo
somehow fix the tyre
120ml Imezi sealant and the fattest samurai sword around
roll home
straight in the shower in my helmet and sidis
at the hospital now waiting to be stitched
nothing serious but I need to be more careful in the future
ride on!