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kamiyamada cyclocross race report

「kamiyamada CX race report」

the kamiyamada cyclocross race on sunday
the third cyclocross race of the season
maybe my 7th cyclocross in total?

of the 7 races
this is probably the best course for me

a “speed course”
add more air
1.8 bar up to 2.0 bar

a walk through
a test run
second line on the grid
this could be my chance?

3,2,1 GO!

I misunderstood the course!
the first turn is gone
a long straight to start
I find myself in last place as we enter the technical course

※16th place
the only way is up!

☆LAP 1

on the first lap I move up 7 places
taking the tight line through corners

※9th place

☆LAP 2

I pass the 8th place finisher at
like a turbo diesel volvo!
I pass 3 more riders in the next 4 minutes

※5th place

☆LAP 3

lock on to the rider in front
we swap places a few times
I can’t see any other riders up front
so he is my man to beat

※5th place

☆LAP 4

last lap
I pass the 4th place rider on one of the last corners
all out to finish

※RESULT 4th place

☆LAP splits

LAP 1 7:49
LAP 2 7:04
LAP 3 7:04
LAP 4 7:05

good even pacing

after the first lap
I was 3rd or 4th fastest
so 4th is a fair result

I’m really enjoying CX
I feel I can get a good result soon
keep on keeping on!

1 thought on “kamiyamada cyclocross race report”

  1. Andyさん、CXを始められて、さすが!Andyさんの本領が発揮され始めましたね。4位おめでとうございます!これからも応援しています。

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