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Event Name and Date: AKAGI 4h Offroad Enduro


☆Weather: misty into sunshine

☆Course condition before the race: wet

☆Course condition during the race: muddy

☆Course condition after the race: very muddy!


#1 Team IMEZI Racer’s name signed up:
1. Kakeru
2. Andy

☆How do you feel before the race?

Excited to race. First race of the season. Fresh after drinking with friends on Friday night and a rest day on Saturday.

☆Equipment used by #1 IMEZI Racer
※bike: Vitus Substance Aluminum gravel bike
※gearing: Sram Apex gearing and hydraulic disc breaks, Sensah rear derailleur with SRAM pulleys, Shimano XTR 40T chain ring, 11/42 cassette
※wheels: IMEZI GRV167
※tire pressure: 1.0bar front, 1.3bar rear

Lap times:
4h 20 laps: Kakeru x5, Andy x5, Kakeru x4, Andy x6

Result: Team competition 1st place (all categories 2nd)


☆Event type: offroad 4h enduro
How many laps can you complete in 4h!?!

☆Course: A 3km course. A long climb. A fast descent. Mud, gravel, grass.

☆History: last year I did x15 laps solo in a 3h version of the race

☆Focus: I wanted to race as a team. Make new friends. Promote Kashiwazaki’s BBB summer offroad event.

☆Race Strategy: 20 laps target. 5 lap rotations. Kakeru is the fastest starter. I have a diesel engine. Kakeru will go first and get good position. I will go second and keep position. Kakeru will go 3rd. I will finish the race.

☆Race flow:
Laps 1 to 5. Kakeru is following pro MTB rider Ikeda san! Amazing!

☆Laps 6 to 10. My turn! The course is difficult because it is muddy. But it’s also easier as you can find the best lines to follow. Pace the climb at sub 174 threshold HR.

☆Laps 11 to 14. Kakeru has a slow puncture. But he races really strong.

☆Laps 15 to 20. My turn again. I do the math. I can do 6 laps if I do sub 13 minute laps. The course is muddier. I lose control twice on the descent. Once on the climb. But keep the bike upright. Losing traction on the climb. Less tyre pressure would be better.

☆Goal: 1st place team!

☆Feelings: It is a nice at home event with pro riders! The event is well organized. The course is dynamic. It was really nice to make lots of new friends.

☆Next year: I want to take a 4 man Imezi team. Ride 1h. Camp & drink real beer!

☆Next race: Rapha Prestige Sanjo. Team Imezi 4 man teams x 2!

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