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レース データ分析 は必要。

iiyama cyclocross data analysis

飯山シクロクロスの データ分析( Data Analysis ) after a race it’s always good to look back at the data レースの後は、いつもデータを振り返ってみるのがいい。 before looking at the data my feeling was it was a bad start too far back and forced to run the muddy section but I felt the pacing overall was good データを見る前は、私の気持ちは、 よくないスタートで、遠すぎて泥だらけのセクションを走行するのを余儀なくされた。 でも私は全体的にペースは良かったと感じました。 now the data  今データは、 four laps    4ラップで、 lap 1: 7:21 161HR lap 2: 7:04 168 HR (PB) lap 3: 7:09 168 HR lap 4: 7:34 167 HR I think the first lap should be the fastest as you secure the best position then steady laps 最高のポジションを確保するため、1周目が最速だと思います。 その後、安定したラップ。 above U san racing in the masters did just that a super fast… Read More »iiyama cyclocross data analysis

iiyama cyclocross race report

the first cx race of the season at iiyama on sunday a great course used for last year’s national championships is this really the last time the event will be held? it’s cold early morning and there is a muddy section straight after the start there is a steep climb too and a slippery twisty descent through the forest but I can clear all sections in the trial run 3 laps are my CX skills improving? the race will be 4 laps an hour between the trial run and race it’s time spent cleaning bike and shoes! a serious CX racer has multiple bikes, shoes and a portable jet washer!… Read More »iiyama cyclocross race report