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PEAKS race report

In July, Team Imezi joined the ALPS cycling event. It was a very tough event! In August, Team Imezi joined the PEAKS cycling event. It was even tougher! About Peaks PEAKS is a mountain event which moves around Japan. It’s considered the hardest road event in Japan. The 16th event was held in Myoko. The concept is to complete the course in the time limit. There are 3 categories: normal, freak and superfreak! The time limit is shorter for each category. The freak categories are also longer with one more mountain for more climbing! Background I entered the Superfreak category. As a first timer I wore a “first timer” sticker on… Read More »PEAKS race report

Introducing the Team!

Team Imezi will enter two ultracycling events this summer. The Alps (160km, 3,500m up) and The Peaks (200km, 5,000m up) Here is the team roster: Alps (July) 1. Noguchi 2. Ito 3. Tazaki 4. Gen 5. Andy Peaks (August) 1. Noguchi 2. Ito 3. Gen 4. Andy Introducing the Team! 1. Both events are lead by Team Captain Noguchi. A category 1 CX racer and MTB specialist. He loves a hard challenge. The longer the distance, the more climbing, the rougher the road… the better! He is also the survival expert on the team. Crashes and mechanicals are part of the game… 2. Ito chan is the mood maker. Before… Read More »Introducing the Team!

Team Imezi to race Alps & Peaks!

Team Imezi are back! We are racing as a team this summer! It’s important to choose tough events! For training motivation! This summer is… THE TEAM IMEZI ALPS & PEAKS CHALLENGE! Team IMEZIが帰ってきた! この夏はチームとしてレースに臨む! タフな競技を選択することは重要です! トレーニングのモチベーションのためにも! 今年の夏は Team IMEZIのアルプス&ピーク・チャレンジ!   JULY The Alps Special class 160km→→→ “Gran Fondo’s famous class. Challenge yourself to reach the highest cumulative elevation gain of over 3500m, the most difficult challenge in Japan! Let’s help each other up the 4 steep slopes as a group and control the pace until the end, aiming for everyone to finish the race!” 7月開催 アルプススペシャルクラス160km →→→ グランフォンドの名物クラス。累積標高差3500m超の日本最難関に挑戦!4つの急坂をグループで助け合って登り、最後までペースをコントロールして全員完走を目指そう!“   AUGUST The Peaks 201km →→→ “Japan’s strongest! Craziest! The PEAKS, an ultra-class mountain… Read More »Team Imezi to race Alps & Peaks!

new imezi road wheels

For 3 years Team IMEZI focused on gravel and cyclocross. This year we will start road racing in May. Captain TNG and Kakeru will do the TofF stage race in Thailand. I will start the 300km Tokyo-Itoigawa after a long absence. TNG’s machine is pictured above. We will ride Imezi 40mm carbon rim brake wheels. I set mine up today. First find tubeless valves of good length. The orange bolt is an “American Classic” which I find to be the best. Some washing liquid to ease the tyre onto the rim. Theses are 25mm IRC. Xguard protection is a good choice for cross Japan. I would prefer the 28mm… Read More »new imezi road wheels

the eleven rules of fuelling

Some people have asked for my advice on fuelling big rides. In October we will attend the 110km / 2,800m Oktoberfest. “Bananas or Power Bars?” That’s not important! Your fuelling strategy will be a key factor in whether your Oktoberfest or other big ride is successful or not. Here are my eleven rules of fuelling 1. 「the night before the night before」 The day before an event or a big ride can be stressful. Travel to the event? Where to eat dinner? Nervous? Can’t sleep well? Two days before is when you can control things. When you can make a difference. A big dinner. Carbs. A bit more salt too.… Read More »the eleven rules of fuelling

Hakuba Gravel Fest race report

Event Name and Date: Hakuba Gravel Fest Weather: perfect cycling weather at 1,000m elevation, fill the lungs with oxygen! Course condition : mixed terrain, gravel, tarmac, and mtb downhill ROSTER & EQUIPMENT #1 Team IMEZI Racer’s name signed up: TNG, MOTOKING, ANDY (210km), ISAO (65km) How do you feel before the race? Another busy week. Meetings, drinks, late nights… Equipment used by #1 IMEZI Racer bike: VITUS Substance aluminium gearing: single 40 x 42/11 wheels: Imezi GRV tires: BOKEN DoubleCross 42mm tire pressure: 1.6bar front, 1.8 bar rear Results: Day 1 5th, Day 2 DNF RACE INSIGHT First Itoigawa! The home of 9 Tokyo~Itoigawa victories. Need to go for no.10!… Read More »Hakuba Gravel Fest race report